Web 2.0 is a tool connected to web applications that enable user-centered design, dissemination of information, interoperability and collaboration in World Wide Web. Sites developed using this tool allow interaction of users in social media. It enables exchange of ideas between users. Social networking sites, blogs wikis, video sharing hosted services are examples of web 2.0.
Web 2.0 has the ability to transform business operations by offering gains and creating user feedback a basic part of business growth. However, majority of businesses are shunning away from this technology, not knowing how it can suit their business. It has a greater influence on businesses that force consumers to make online purchases. Examples include the social networking, bookmarks, RSS news feeds, blogs and wikis. Many software developers namely Microsoft have opted to market their products to the web-based application market. In addition the success of Google Apps is attributed to the impact of web 2.0. Hosted applications also depend heavily on web 2.0.
The implementation of web 2.0 has been of great advantage to large companies that have large volume of data and sophisticated operations. Initially, the user experience of the tool was restricted, hence people shifted to the conventional software development using windows. Large business use web 2.0 tool as part of their interior software development, to advance complexity and usability of their end user product.
Web 2.0 has advantages attributed to it such as easier to market product to wider area, and within a short time. This is due to the internet that has reduced the world to a global village. It also enables firms to offer web enabled complex applications. Most commercial websites developed allow customers to give feedback, hence the business improve on the quality of their product.
However, the limitations also exist. Web 2.0 cannot offer similar security as habitual server-oriented software. Consequently, clients have realized that a variety of web 2.0 applications have no access to file server on the client. This has forced them to move back to former windows environment (Magill, 2007). Despite the fact that web 2.0 is user friendly, lightweight and reduces operational costs, the user can end up with disorganized data, which is disastrous and hard to recover. Another associated disadvantage of web 2.0 is the danger of sharing information outside firewall.
In conclusion, web 2.0 is a better technological advancement. If used efficiently, it can result to growth of a business. It has cultural problems not technical. It simplifies life and quickens its usage saving time. Business organizations that are deploying web 2.0 have a room for advancing new technology, and being technological leaders but not technological followers.
There has been increased concern about employer’s need to safeguard private information, company assets, and evade costly legal actions and employee’s workplace privacy. Employers have a role to play in ensuring employees are utilizing company time productively and not engaging in creation of legal liability for their business (Turnbull, 2009). Employers have security apprehension associated to deliberate or accidental sending of insightful data via the internet. As such employers have to scrutinize employees’ computer and manage their internet access. As result, there are policies that are linked to managing the employees’ workplace privacy.
First, there is the federal privacy legislation in the workplace. Many US employees believe that they are constitutionally allocated privacy. These constitutional rights were deduced by the US fourth amendment rights to freedom. These freedoms only pertain to state actions. State actions are only narrowed to safeguard privacy for government employees. Employees in the private sector have a burden to source their own protection. Secondly, the state privacy case law is well known by many States, it defines employee privacy as deliberate interference, physically or in mind upon isolation. Some employees have been using this policy as a protection tool to have their own privacy. Thirdly, the company’s electronic policy advocates that all communication devices are made available and owned by the company. Additionally, the company has to supervise internet and email usage and the company shall have copies of passwords. This policy prohibits sending of unprofessional, discriminatory and offensive content. Posting of private opinions on the internet using company’s name is forbidden.
Other employers have considered the monitoring software as the best option for controlling employee privacy. These softwares are capable of revealing the degree of computer usage in all aspects. It is critical for employees to balance the employee’s usage of company’s technology and the risks related in providing them.
As much as these policies stand out to be protecting employers against company’s resource management, they are expensive and deprive employee his own personal privacy at work. These policies tend to promote employee harassment by the employer. They also confine workers to their tasks. Despite the fact that workers are supposed to work and ensure the success of the company, they need personal freedom. It is only a selfish company that will not provide the slightest opportunity for the growth of its employers. To an extent, employees should be given a chance to use company’s resource for legal use and communication purposes.
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