Human resource department is such a sensitive department in any organization. This is due to the fact that it is the main organ in any organization that is responsible for staff management. This includes hiring, promoting as well as firing the non performing staffs. Case in point, HR is such an effective way to make changes in the organizational culture in the sense that, it is the department responsible for human labor force. As defined by Ravasi and Schultz (2006), organizational culture is a set of collective psychological postulation that directs elucidation and action in organizations. Ravasi goes ahead and defines organizational culture as an appropriate conduct for diverse situations.
Therefore, HR is effective in implementing this change through human labor. It can hire people from different ethnical groups, who after bonding with the rest of the staff can bring different cultural values from their communities hence a change can be visualized. HR can bring change by organizing seminars. In these seminars, staff can be taught different cultural values. In addition, since HR is responsible for staff monitoring, it can give staff members transfer to other branches in different physical location. Through this the staff will be introduced to different cultures hence change can be effected.
From a human resource perspective, change management is important owing to the rapid changing nature of today’s organizations. The process of change management poses a risk of interrupting human resource operations as it is likely to alter the organizational structure. This offers an opportunity for human resource managers to examine the strengths and loopholes within the organizational structure and the entire workforce that need to be re-evaluated. Change management can also affect the confidence of the employees with the organization making it more difficult for the human resource manager to handle the workforce within the organization. Additionally, change management process can also disrupt the employee’ productivity leading to increased costs in running the organization’s workforce. However, effective change management can make it easier for the running of human resource activities. Organizational development can be beneficial to an organization by increasing its productivity, employee satisfaction and reducing operational costs as well as enhancing the organization’s innovativeness and team work spirit. It also serves to enhance better corporate relations between the organization and its external stakeholders. Additionally it also serves to improve the organization’s flexibility in responding to its competitors.
DQ 2.
Meeting consumer expectations is critical to the performance of any organization as it can mean the difference between success and failure in terms of performance. This can be illustrated by comparing the scores of two companies in a similar industry. According to the American Consumer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) (2011), Sprint scored better than AT & T-mobile both of which are in the mobile service industry. In this industry, it is apparent that satisfying the existing customers is vital in the organization’s performance since it is hard to recruit new subscribers than to win new clients. Better customer satisfaction has seen Sprint increase its subscriber base.
DQ 3.
Effective communication is crucial in managing change within the organization. It helps in passing information in a manner that ensures appropriate behavioral change among employees while minimizing turmoil that is likely to result from the changes. Effective communication helps in minimizing adverse consequences resulting from the employee perceptions regarding the eminent threats emanating from the changes. It therefore serves to restore trust and confidence among the stakeholders hence ensuring a smooth transition during the process of implementing the changes. Effective communication accords some degree of control to the stakeholders making them feel as part of the decision making and the change process hence improving the credibility of the changes to be implemented.
DQ 4
In managing change behaviors, organizations can use various incentives can be used to motivate employees to be more receptive to the change. Incentives that can be used by organizations in influencing the employee behavior include financial incentives like salary increments, added benefits like medical and insurance covers, offering commissions and subsidies among others. Indirect financial motivators like scholarships within the organization, subsidizing meals and offering tax breaks as well as transport can also be used (United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (2006). The organization can also use social incentives like creating a more conducive working environment and reassuring employees of the security of their jobs as well as giving them a sense of belonging. However, it is important to carefully analyze the type of motivators that can achieve better results since incentives may bring different outcomes for different organizations. As an employee, incentives that have proved more effective are those that have a direct influence on the employee’s life like salary increment, improvement of working conditions and job security.
DQ 5
Senior executives are key persons in managing organizational change since they are the top decision makers as well as communicators of the changes to be effected. As senior executives, the manner in which they communicate change can significantly affect the outcome of the proposed changes to the organization. As decision makers, managers are prone to making decisions that may not auger well with other employees and stakeholders within the organization. One of the major pitfalls encountered by managers during this process is inadequate time for communicating the decisions and obtaining feedback from the employees. They can also be faced with inadequate resources for implementing the required changes. Additionally they also face an uphill task of communicating changes that might have negative consequences to the employees. In order to make their task more manageable, managers should seek input from other employees and incorporate their ideas in the decision making whenever necessary. They should also involve other employees in the decision making process as this will make the decisions more accommodative. Additionally, they should communicate the decisions in time in order to give them time to get feedback from other employees.
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