Write a research paper on the following subject: What are the areas of study in infection control?

Write a research paper on the following subject: What are the areas of study in infection control?

CO 1: Integrate theory, quality science, and evidence-based findings to support advanced nursing practice. (PO 1, 5)
Due Date

This assignment has a suggested due date of Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Module 4.
Final due date is Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Module 7.
Total Points Possible

200 Points

Assignment Overview

Think about your practicum project and the issue you identified in Module 3. What issue or problem did you identify? (Note: You may have also selected a prominent nursing practice issue that is of interest to you.) Analyze scholarly literature related to the issue/problem of and strategies for resolution. Review different nursing theories that could support a resolution to the practice issue or problem you have identified. NOTE: Many students may be inclined to choose Lewin’s Change Theory. This is not a nursing theory and would not apply to the required content for this assignment.

In a three-to-six-page scholarly paper, address the following elements.  Include a minimum of three scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work.  See rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the presentation:

Descriiption of Issue or Problem
Nursing Theory
Application of Theory
Assignment Instructions

Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the most current edition of the manual.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual.
Please note: If you do not receive a proficient rating in any major content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a better grade. You have one additional opportunity to revise after the initial submission in order to make improvements. The initial submission must be a complete paper; rough drafts will not be graded. All revisions must be submitted no later than Sunday of Module 7 at 11:59 p.m. (You cannot revise your APA for a higher grade in that category.)
Assignment Criteria

Assessment Criteria







In this section you will:

Introduction includes general statements on how nursing theory can be applied to solve practice issues or problems.
Identify sections of the paper.
Descriiption of Issue or Problem



In this section you will:

Describe the specific issue or problem?
Why should the nursing profession care about this issue or problem?
What does the nursing literature say about this issue or problem, including its frequency of occurrence?
Who are the stakeholders affected by the issue or problem?
Provide support from scholarly literature.
Nursing Theory



In this section you will:

Identify a nursing theory that provides a framework to support the selected practice issue or problem
Provide an overview of the nursing theory
Use scholarly nursing literature
Application of Theory



In this section you will:

Restate the selected nursing theory to be used
Identify one strategy useful in resolving the identified issue or problem
The strategy should be presented in depth with the following information being required.
A specific descriiption of how the selected nursing theory can help to resolve the issue or problem
A specific and detailed descriiption of the strategy to be used
A specific and detailed descriiption of how the strategy can be implemented
A specific and detailed descriiption of one suggestion for future research into either the selected nursing theory or selected issue or problem
Use scholarly literature



In this section you will:

Summarize the application of nursing theory to resolve practice issue/problem
Summarize the following:
Selected issue or problem
Selected nursing theory
Application of the theory to resolve the issue or problem
Graduate-Level Writing Style



Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing
Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person
Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less)
Correct APA format for the following.
Page numbering
Font style and size
Margins and spacing
Headings; subheadings
Citation and referencing sources
Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)
Quality of Literature Support

It is an expectation that a minimum of 3 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the assignment.

If the above expectation is not met, 5 points shall be deducted.

Assignment Length Criteria

It is an expectation that the paper is a minimum of 3 pages in length, and a maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or reference pages).

If the above expectation is not met, 5 points shall be deducted.




A quality assignment will meet or exceed the above requirements.

NR520: Application of Theory
NR520: Application of Theory
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction
20 pts
Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: In this section you will: • Introduction includes general statements on how nursing theory can be applied to solve practice issues or problems. • Identify sections of the paper.
18 pts
Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: In this section you will: • Introduction includes general statements on how nursing theory can be applied to solve practice issues or problems. • Identify sections of the paper.
16 pts
Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Introduction includes general statements on how nursing theory can be applied to solve practice issues or problems. • Identify sections of the paper.
0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Introduction includes general statements on how nursing theory can be applied to solve practice issues or problems. • Identify sections of the paper.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Descriiption of Issue or Problem
50 pts
Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: In this section you will: • Describe the selected issue or problem. • Addresses the following: – What is the specific issue or problem? – Why should the nursing profession care about this issue or problem? – What does the nursing literature say about this issue or problem, including its frequency of occurrence? – Who are the stakeholders affected by the issue or problem? • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
46 pts
Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: In this section you will: • Describe the selected issue or problem. • Addresses the following: – What is the specific issue or problem? – Why should the nursing profession care about this issue or problem? – What does the nursing literature say about this issue or problem, including its frequency of occurrence? – Who are the stakeholders affected by the issue or problem? • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
42 pts
Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Describe the selected issue or problem. • Addresses the following: – What is the specific issue or problem? – Why should the nursing profession care about this issue or problem? – What does the nursing literature say about this issue or problem, including its frequency of occurrence? – Who are the stakeholders affected by the issue or problem? • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Describe the selected issue or problem. • Addresses the following: – What is the specific issue or problem? – Why should the nursing profession care about this issue or problem? – What does the nursing literature say about this issue or problem, including its frequency of occurrence? – Who are the stakeholders affected by the issue or problem? • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Nursing Theory
40 pts
Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: In this section you will: • Identify a nursing theory that provides a framework to support the selected practice issue or problem • Provides an overview of the nursing theory • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
36 pts
Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: In this section you will: • Identify a nursing theory that provides a framework to support the selected practice issue or problem • Provides an overview of the nursing theory • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
33 pts
Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Identify a nursing theory that provides a framework to support the selected practice issue or problem • Provides an overview of the nursing theory • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Identify a nursing theory that provides a framework to support the selected practice issue or problem • Provides an overview of the nursing theory • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Application of Theory
55 pts
Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: In this section you will: • Nursing theory to be used • Identifies one strategy useful in resolving the identified issue or problem • The strategy should be presented in depth with the following information being required: – A specific descriiption of how the selected nursing theory can help to resolve the issue or problem – A specific and detailed descriiption of the strategy to be used – A specific and detailed descriiption of how the strategy can be implemented – A specific and detailed descriiption of one suggestion for future research into either the selected nursing theory or selected issue or problem • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
50 pts
Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: In this section you will: • Nursing theory to be used • Identifies one strategy useful in resolving the identified issue or problem • The strategy should be presented in depth with the following information being required: – A specific descriiption of how the selected nursing theory can help to resolve the issue or problem – A specific and detailed descriiption of the strategy to be used – A specific and detailed descriiption of how the strategy can be implemented – A specific and detailed descriiption of one suggestion for future research into either the selected nursing theory or selected issue or problem • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
42 pts
Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Nursing theory to be used • Identifies one strategy useful in resolving the identified issue or problem • The strategy should be presented in depth with the following information being required: – A specific descriiption of how the selected nursing theory can help to resolve the issue or problem – A specific and detailed descriiption of the strategy to be used – A specific and detailed descriiption of how the strategy can be implemented – A specific and detailed descriiption of one suggestion for future research into either the selected nursing theory or selected issue or problem • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Nursing theory to be used • Identifies one strategy useful in resolving the identified issue or problem • The strategy should be presented in depth with the following information being required: – A specific descriiption of how the selected nursing theory can help to resolve the issue or problem – A specific and detailed descriiption of the strategy to be used – A specific and detailed descriiption of how the strategy can be implemented – A specific and detailed descriiption of one suggestion for future research into either the selected nursing theory or selected issue or problem • Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
55 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion
20 pts
Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: In this section you will: • Summarize the application of nursing theory to resolve practice issue/problem • Summarize the following: – Selected issue or problem – Selected nursing theory – Application of the theory to resolve the issue or problem
18 pts
Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: In this section you will: • Summarize the application of nursing theory to resolve practice issue/problem • Summarize the following: – Selected issue or problem – Selected nursing theory – Application of the theory to resolve the issue or problem
16 pts
Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Summarize the application of nursing theory to resolve practice issue/problem • Summarize the following: – Selected issue or problem – Selected nursing theory – Application of the theory to resolve the issue or problem
0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: In this section you will: • Summarize the application of nursing theory to resolve practice issue/problem • Summarize the following: – Selected issue or problem – Selected nursing theory – Application of the theory to resolve the issue or problem
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Graduate-level Writing Style
15 pts
Distinguished graduate-level writing style is evidenced by meeting all of the following criteria with 0-1 errors total: Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) Correct APA format for the following: Page numbering Font style and size Margins and spacing Headings; subheadings Citation and referencing sources Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)
13 pts
Graduate-level writing style exceeds expectations as evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 2-4 errors total: • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) • Correct APA format for the following: o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)
12 pts
Proficient graduate-level writing style is evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 5-7 errors total: • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) • Correct APA format for the following: o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)
0 pts
Needs Improvement
Graduate-level writing style needs improvement as evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 8 or more errors total: • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) • Correct APA format for the following: o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality of Literature Support
0 pts
0 points lost
A minimum of 3 peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the assignment.
0 pts
5 points deducted
The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for quality of literature support.
0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assignment Length Expectations
0 pts
0 points lost
The length of the assignment meets the criteria: Minimum of 3 pages in length; Maximum of 6 pages in length. (Not including title or reference pages)
0 pts
5 points deducted
The assignment fails to meet the requirement for length.
0 pts

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