Type of Assignment: Project
Summary: Write a research paper. The subject of the paper will be the “Use of Information Technology in personal digital assistant (PDA) in universities ”.
- Provide at least 3 references within the text and bibliography of the paper.
- Utilize the SVSU Library’s resources (http://www.svsu.edu/databases/by-name.html) to research the subject. Utilize full text resources that are 2 pages or more in length.
- In 500 – 550 words summarize your findings.
- Use the APA style to cite your article.
- Upload to http://www.Turnitin.com and self-evaluate the originality of your writings
- Remember to set up your Turnitin.com account, we did that the first day of class
- The enrollment password is cs160
- The class id is 5919039
- Post your completed assignment to Vspace, using the file name Word Research Project.
- Must have at least 80% originality in your paper according to Turnitin.com. If the paper is not original for this class, you will receive zero points.
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