Short Story Literary Analysis on The Individual and Society

Short Story Literary Analysis on The Individual and Society

Thoroughly read and take notes from “I Stand Here Ironing,” and create an original thesis addressing how Olsen specifically creates a clear connection between individual and society. Your thesis statement should address your unique stance in which you illuminate Olsen’s approach in her writing (this could involve characterization, setting, conflict theme—any of the elements we have studied) as it relates to a larger social issue. You will write a well organized and well supported essay of 500–700 words in proper APA format, with a title page, headers, and correct in-text citation and end references page. You are not required to submit your prewriting and planning for this essay, but you should use this process as you prepare for the writing of the essay. Any effective scholarly essay of this length will include:

An introductory paragraph in which you engage the reader’s attention, offer some brief background information, and clearly assert your thesis statement.
At least three full body paragraphs in which you develop that thesis statement by offering direct, quoted evidence from the story, and your own unique arguments for how this specific evidence proves your thesis.
A concluding paragraph, in which you reiterate your thesis concept and leave the reader thinking about your ideas.

SHORT STORY:  Tillie Olson’s “I Stand Here Ironing”

Charters, A., (2011). The story and its writer: An introduction to short fiction. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s. ISBN: 9780312596248.

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