Human Anatomy and Physiology., how does it affects the body, what part affects the body along with medicine, symptoms and side effects should be taken to account.

For your research paper, you may choose a topic that correlates to a topic in Human Anatomy and Physiology. The purpose of this research paper is an informative paper, which will educate your readers and present the information in an objective manner. NOTE this is a HUMAN ANOTOMY and PHYSIOLOGY SCIENCE class, therefore, how does it affects the body, what part affects the body along with medicine, symptoms and side effects should be taken to account. The paper is due Monday December 5th @ 2:00pm, NO EXTENTIONS, NO LATE TURN IN. The paper must be in APA format 5 pages long with an introduction and conclusion, Double Spaced, Times New Roman.NO less than three scholarly references NO PLIAGARISM!!
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