How could JetBlue have better communicated with its internal stakeholders across the country on Valentines Day and during the days that followed to enhance its image with customers? Please find 3 scholarly articles by 3 different authors to answer the question chosen.

Directions: Please answer the following question: How could JetBlue have better communicated with its internal stakeholders across the country on Valentines Day and during the days that followed to enhance its image with customers? Please find 3 scholarly articles by 3 different authors to answer the question chosen. All of the articles must have been published within the past 5 years. An answer to the question must be based upon a full analysis of the research and must be fully grounded in the research. Compare and contrast the 3 articles you researched, all of which must be utilized in your answer. Please also integrate 2 biblical references in the paper as well that relate to the subject matter of the answer.

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