People have always questioned the meaning of their names. Theories in scientific fields such as numerology have been put forward so as to explain the etymology and history of names. Well, all said and done, names may influence your character from a psychological aspect. Studies carried on a psychological basis have shown that people named after famous or successful people in history may work towards attaining a similar status attained by their name-sake predecessors. These people may view the successful and prosperous past and present-day similarly named individuals and heroes as role models, thereby serving as a crucial motivational factor.
Andy is mainly taken as a nick name in reference to Andrew which is a Greek name, Andreas, derived by the concatenation of two contemporary terms: man or aner in Greek and Andros meaning ‘of a man’, hence, under the famous proverb, ‘To whom much is given, much is expected’, the bearer of the name is expected to rise against all odds to uphold a renowned character as a gentleman. This name has had 49 variations such as Andy itself, Andrian and Andre over time. Its popularity was mainly been enhanced by the growth of Christianity in the Middle Ages. The 1990 United States Census shows that 35 out of every 1220 men choose the name as a first name and 2528 out of every 88799 men and women chose it as a surname. In Christianity, there was an apostle Andrew, a translation from its Hebrew version, who was notably the first disciple to join Jesus. In history, Three Hungarian kings carried the name. In America, Andrew Jackson ruled as president since 1767 to 1845. The renowned English composer, Andrew Lloyd Webber, born in 1948, has enjoyed repute, fame and success.
Surnames in most societies carry a greater weight in the analysis of who you are since they represent a certain family mostly passed down through generations. It is vital to note that the first person to adopt the name as a family name must have found it to adequately describe him or her and the personal traits exhibited which were likely to be passed down through generations as expressed in genes. The surname Tang has been widely used in Taiwan and China. It comes from the Tang Dynasty who ruled over The Second Golden Age in China. The legendary emperor Huang Di granted the region of Tang in present-day Shanxi province to his son Dan Zhu. The subjects in turn incorporated the name Tang into their surnames as a way of expressing respect to the powerful and successful leadership of Zhu. During this period, South China was Sinicized, whereby; it was culturally and linguistically assimilated into the Chinese way of life. Therefore, this name is dominant in the South of Chinatowns predominantly Cantonese such as Tong-yan-gaai interpreted as ‘Street of Tang People.’ The Republic of China is also commonly referred to as Tong-saan meaning the Tang Mountain. Tangshan is normally used by the Taiwanese refer to the crossing of the Taiwan Strait by the Han people. In history, this name was accorded to the Prince of Shang, Cheng Tang, who was a model of virtue and humanity and overthrew the corrupt government of the Xia Dynasty in 1766 BC. Therefore, it is important to note that the name Tang has always been related to power and its positive influences in the traditional China, hence, the bearer is expected to live up to its legendary fame.
Every individual’s name is believed to carry a potential influence just as horoscopes endeavor to foretell by classifying people by their birth dates. The name Andy Tang can therefore be interpreted as a name that comes with great responsibility. The bearer is not only expected to display virtues of a gentleman but also uphold integrity.
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