Create at least a minimum of 3 objectives utilizing Blooms taxonomy (25 points) for baking the perfect chocolate chip cookies.


For this project you are going toBake the perfect chocolate chip cookie

For this project you should do the following;
1) Create at least a minimum of 3 objectives utilizing Blooms taxonomy (25 points) for baking the perfect chocolate chip cookies.

2) Create a checklist that you will utilize to assess the students performance or project (50 points) when baking the perfect chocolate chip cookie.

3) Create a holistic rubric that you will submit to me; I will use your rubric to assess your project.

Additionally, upload a copy on which you have graded yourself utilizing your own rubric to grade your project: Baking The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie (200 points)

Be sure the rubric reflects the total number of points for the project (275).

There are multiple resources available on the internet to create rubrics. Take one and modify it to reflect the categories of the project.

It should have a minimum of 3 items (objectives, checklist, rubric) but you may create as many items as you feel reflect the totality of the project.

At minimum, there should be 4 categories for each item (example: not met, target, exceeds expectations, exceptional or advanced)

Submit a blank copy and a copy on which you have graded yourself on the project.

4) Upload your project including – Objectives, checklist and rubric to the three separate drop boxes.

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