Write a research report outlining the four primary metrics used to measure data variability.

Write a research report outlining the four primary metrics used to measure data variability.
Understanding Variability (2 points): Define variability in data and its significance.
Frequency Distribution Creation (4 points): Create a frequency distribution for a given dataset.
Distribution Analysis (4 points): Analyze the distribution of two different variables and compare them.
Central Location (2 points): Explain the concept of central location in statistics.
Variability and Distribution Shape (2 points): Describe the relationship between variability and distribution shape.
Box and Whisker Chart (3 points): Construct a box and whisker chart for a provided set of data.
Strip Chart Exercise (3 points): Create a strip chart and interpret its findings.Product_ID: A unique identifier for each product.

Sales: The sales amount for each product, following a normal distribution with a mean of 300 and a standard deviation of 50.
Customer_Ratings: Customer ratings for each product, ranging from 1 to 5.
Quantity_Sold: The quantity of each product sold, following a Poisson distribution with a lambda value of 5.

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