Write a research paper that examines the school nutrition and fitness recommendation report.

Write a research paper that examines the school nutrition and fitness recommendation report.
The purpose of the Final Project is to provide an opportunity to integrate your understanding of how to use technical writing skills to write a Recommendation Report based on a chain of relevant preliminary documents.Recommendation Report must be eight to ten pages in length, exclusive of title page, references page, glossary, and any other appendices.The Final Project must include: A title page. A letter of transmittal. An abstract. This will provide an overview of a problem and solution relating to the larger Recommendation Report. A table of contents and corresponding page numbers. This table should closely correlate with subheadings, and figures in the body of the Recommendation Report. A table of graphics/illustrations. This table should closely correlate with subheadings, and figures in the body of the Recommendation Report. A one-page executive summary (. Body, including an introduction (problem, solution, background, data sources, scope and limitation) that ends with a clear thesis statement or initiative to solve the identified problem, methods, results, conclusions, and recommendations. A concluding paragraph that restates the paper’s main ideas. Effective, useful, and properly cited graphic aids (minimum of three). Glossary that provides a comprehensive overview of specialized terminology appearing in the Recommendation Report. Include at least 4 sources and listed on the Reference page. Two sources must be credible journal articles References page in APA format. Make sure all cited words are cited appropriately. I have done some work and needed it looked over ,corrected if needed, and to add the additional three pages.

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