This case describes the Leadership Academy Walmart runs to train its managers.
What are the pros and cons of rotating participants from in-class training back to the worksite every two weeks? What support would be needed at the worksite to ensure that the trainees get the most out of their hands-on assignments? How would you evaluate the effectiveness of the Leadership Academy?
How does the overtone of military-style training impact Walmart’s employment brand? Would this appeal to particular segments of the labor force? How might it impact the company’s ability to recruit diverse employees and participants?
Your paper must be 3 pages excluding cover and reference page. Your writing should reflect an understanding of the chapter’s basic concepts, thorough research, and logic and critical thinking skills. Your response should be thorough and address all components in detail, INCLUDE CITATIONS OF ALL SOURCES, where needed, according to the APA style paper, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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