The final research project is an individual project which is like a VERY abbreviated mini research report, where you will conduct combination of descriptive statistics, graph presentation and inferential statistics on dependent variable (DV) and independent variable (IV).

PUBH 349 FINAL RESEARCH PROJECT INSTRUCTION Professor: Pimbucha Rusmevichientong What is the final research project? The final research project is an individual project which is like a VERY abbreviated mini research report, where you will conduct combination of descriptive statistics, graph presentation and inferential statistics on dependent variable (DV) and independent variable (IV).

What is the data and variables I can use for my project? In the interest of time, the provided dataset and the options of variables for students to choose for their final research project.

The created Variable Selection on CANVAS under Final Research Project Module. It looks like a quiz, but no point assigned.

The Variable Selection is purposely created to let students choose a pair of the dependent variable (DV) and independent variable (IV) for their project.

The system will randomly present five pairs of DV and IV. Students are allowed to only select one pair of DV and IV. Students can only have one attempt to submit the Variable Selection on CANVAS.

There is no correct nor incorrect answer. After submission, CANVAS will present the selected variables that students must use for their individual final research project and CANVAS will unlock the final research project submission.

If students do not submit the Variable Selection, they cannot submit their final research project. Where is the data and data dictionary? Before submitting a Variable Selection, students are encouraged to look at the data dictionary posted in Final Research Project Materials under Final Research Project Module.

Doing so, students will understand each variable and select the DV and IV they like to use for their project.

4) How can I start the final research project? Once students select a pair of DV and IV and submit Variable Selection on CANVAS, students must download a document in the Final Research Project Materials called “Final Research Project format” and start working on it.

5) How can I know I am doing on the right track? Is there any example of the previous final research project I can take a look? In the Final Research Project Materials, students can find an example of previous final research projects. The example is a guideline for students. Students should also download the final research project rubric to help prepare their project to avoid point deduction.

6) If I want to start after today, what should I do first? Here below are recommended steps:

Step 1: Explore Final Research Project Module

Step 2: Look at, Variable Dictionary, and Examples in Final Research Project Materials.

Step 3: Select a pair of DV and IV and submit a Variable Selection on CANVAS.

Step 4: Download a final research project format and start working on it selected DV and IV.

Step 5: Download a final research project rubric and use it as a guideline while working on your final research project.

Step 6: Submit the final research project on CANVAS before the due date. Ten-point deduction for late submission. DV is EatFastFood; IV is SodaDrinker.