Final Exam Aloha, Class, The purpose of this final exam is to find a way to meaningfully and humanely end our class.
It is meant to HONOR and RECOGNIZE your participation as students in it — to humbly MARK what you’ve learned, to VALIDATE all your important work in it (despite and because of all of the crises we face), and to ACKNOWLEDGE/APPRECIATE the connections between our class and our worlds outside of our class, including the tools we learned in class for navigating the spaces we live in. Choose one (1) of the following 2 (two) options:
OPTION #1 Submit a one-page REFLECTION PAPER (between 350 to 500 words) that responds to THREE QUESTIONS/PROMPTS below. It could also be in “letter” form, if you’re inclined to write one.
Personal and/or community reflections here at CCSF or about events happening right now in our world. How can you/anybody understand American culture/identity in any “LENS” from IDST 37? (“Lens” means any topic we covered in class, for example, topics like: identities, hegemony, assimilation, whiteness, power, horizontal alliances, cultural politics, intersectionality, borderlands, etc.).
Perform some class connections here. What can you/we do? Suggest any “ACTION item” here. Where do we go from here?
OPTION #2 If you are not inclined to write a one-page reflection paper, you can submit something else that speaks to you: a POEM, a piece of VISUAL ART, an AUDIO RECORDING (spoken word or any kind of narrative; a song), or any other related medium. This could be original, or borrowed (make sure you cite if you do so), but include some explanation that somehow responds to all or any of the prompts outline in option #1 above.