Describe how each of the five (5) identified nursing interventions will be performed, implemented, administered, communicated, or taught.

Disease Process and Pathophysiology Risk Factors 5 pts Satisfactory Learner performs a thorough review of the disease process pathophysiology; identifies risk factors. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecognizing Cues What matters most? 5 pts Satisfactory Based on available patient data, the learner identifies at least four (4) critical cues that are significant and could impact the patient condition. The learner may consider both subjective and objective patient data. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalyzing Cues What could it mean? 5 pts Satisfactory Based on the identified cues, the learner is able to create three (3) – four (4) supporting connections between the relevant cues and client conditions/problems. Prioritizing Hypotheses Where do I start? 5 pts Satisfactory Based on the identified connections between cues and patient conditions/problems, learner is able to identify and rank three (3) client conditions/problems critical to positive patient outcomes. These should be listed with most urgent problems first. Generating Solutions What can I do? 5 pts Satisfactory List five (5) solutions/outcomes with appropriate interventions that will positively impact client outcomes and are appropriate to the care of the client. Outcomes/goals are listed in the SMART format. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTaking Actions What will I do? 5 pts Satisfactory Describe how each of the five (5) identified nursing interventions will be performed, implemented, administered, communicated, or taught. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluating Outcomes Did it help? 2.5 pts Satisfactory Describe how you will determine the effectiveness of the five (5) priority nursing interventions you implemented. How will you know if your interventions are effective or not? This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNursing Process template 2.5 pts Satisfactory Recognizing the completion of this template will assist the learner with the concept map assignment, all six (6) boxes are thoroughly completed. The SBAR information is thoroughly identified, and the chosen concept for the assignment is clearly identified

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