Provide a brief description of the healthcare related issue or problem and the outcomes your organization hopes to achieve by engaging in the policy process

HEALTHCARE RELATED PLAN: Read all instructions and fully understand before writing the plan.You will need to have an understanding of healthcare and the issues facing hospitals currently. For this written assignment assume you work for a trade association, healthcare advocacy group, or provider/payer organization. The board of directors has decided to develop a plan for engaging with policymakers on issues relevant to the organization. You have been tasked with providing a brief summary of the policymaking process and suggestions for organizational engagement. Your document will be used as the basis for the organizations emerging advocacy strategy. As you write the document, consider a policy problem or issue your organization is facing. The document should include three sections:

Section 1: Provide a brief description of the healthcare related issue or problem and the outcomes your organization hopes to achieve by engaging in the policy process

Section 2: A broad overview of the policymaking process. This section should include a discussion of both the legislative and rulemaking process. Given the nature of the issue your organization is concerned about, you may choose to emphasize either the legislative or rulemaking process.

Section 3: Suggestions for your organizations engagement in the policy process. Here you are building on section 2 by applying your understanding of the policy process to an organizations advocacy strategy. Recognize that your organization will not engage in all aspects of the policy process, but instead will intentionally choose to participate in a select group of activities focused your specific issue.

The document should be drafted in the form of a 2-3 page memo (double or single spaced). Include an introduction and conclusion in addition to the three sections. The narrative should be easy to read. Assume your boss is a very busy individual and will likely spend about 5-10 minutes reading your memo. It is okay to use bullet points within paragraphs, subheadings, a diagram or table anything to enhance readability and quick understanding.

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