The Hunger games

This week you will write your first draft of our first essay, an illustration/example essay. In this weekly folder is a folder called “Essay requirements, submission and rubric” and it will have all the material for the essay inside. The folder includes the essay requirements/guidelines(also in downloadable formats), the rubric I will use to grade the final drafts, and also the assignment submission link where you will need to submit your first draft as an attached file.

This is a specific type of essay and it has specific rules. The type of thesis statement I require is also known as a tripartite thesis, because it has to have three points (called blueprint points in the video).

Make sure you have completed  the MyLabs assignments and watched the video on the thesis statement  in this folder before you carefully read the assignment guidelines and step-by-step instruction and begin to write your first draft. Please understand what a “First draft” is, some people confuse that with a “rough” draft. That is not the case for this course. A first draft needs to be as good an essay as you can make it, so that revision suggestions are meaningful and lead to a better essay and therefore to a better grade.

There are  step-by step instructions for this essay in this folder that tell you exactly what you need to do. In order to get the maximum points for the assignment you need to follow them. Failure to do so might result in a loss of points. It is your responsibility to read all the course material and follow the guidelines. Also, let me remind you that it might be a good idea to use spell check. Admittedly, it will not catch every error, but it can and will help you with some spelling issues or typos.

In this folder, I have also provided you with the rubric I will use to grade your final drafts. I provide the rubric so you can see exactly what it is I am looking for when grading and you can make sure you achieve the maximum points in each category. Please take some time to look at the rubric to see what is expected.

All essays we will write in this course will need to be typed and saved as a Microsoft Word file which carries a .doc or .docx extension and needs to be attached in the appropriate place in the weekly folder. Make sure you save your first draft of your essay on a flash stick or on your computer where you can access it again. This essay will go through a revision process and it is much easier to do so from the original document instead of having to retype it each time you revise.If you do not have a thesis statement with your three points in your essay I will deduct 25 points of the possible 50 points for your first draft!
IMPORTANT — Essay Instructions– READ!

This is your first essay assignment for the semester. All essays will have something to do with the book The Hunger Games which you just have finished reading. At times the essay will be directly related to the book, at other times we will use the story of the book as a backdrop for our writing.

This essay assignment is an Illustration/Example essay which is a specific type of essay. The purpose of this essay is to explain or illustrate something by using examples. Please make sure you have read Chapter 12 in your text book (pages 237 – 252) to gain a better understanding on this type of essay and you have completed the MyLabs Plus exercises assigned in last week’s  folder before you start drafting your first essay.

Your essay is supposed to be a minimum of two (2) FULL pages, typed and double spaced. Use font size 12 and font Times New Roman or Calibri. Please remember this essay has to be in a Microsoft Word (NOT Works) format when you submit it. Do NOT use a bigger font size or a different font! Your essay should contain no less than five (5) paragraphs, but may contain more. NO sources are allowed for this essay, except the book, The Hunger Games! For the purpose of this assignment you do not need to cite the book The Hunger Games!

No sources means no articles from magazines or journals, no web sites, no internet resources, no books except The Hunger Games,can be used as a source of information. This paper should reflect your analysis and thoughts on the questions posed.

Do NOT use the pronoun “I” or “me and “my” in your essay. Do not use phrases such as “In my opinion…” or “I think…” or “I believe….” This is your paper, and therefore reflects your thoughts and opinions.

Your essay has to have a tripartite thesis statement. Remember the mini lecture on thesis statements last week.Follow the steps below.  All essays will be checked for plagiarism and if found to be plagiarized will receive a 0 grade.  Do NOT use a bigger font size or a different font! Your essay should contain no less than five (5) paragraphs, but may contain more.
Below after the prompts  are step-by-step instructions, read them and follow them.
Each of the prompts has a bit of background information which will help you choose the one you want to write about and give you a bit more information to think about the questions asked.  Remember your topic is the answer to the question, not the question. So you will have to think about your answer and your three points.

Prompt 1:

Background info: Before the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen was a hunter and gatherer in District 12 in the country of Panem. She didn’t much like cats, though she loved her sister very much. Her main goal was always the survival of her family. After being put in front of the Hunger Games’ cameras, though, things get kind of complicated. Katniss must craft a persona that will sell herself to the audiences at home – and to potential sponsors. Thrown into a world where image is everything, she has to play a whole new  Katniss on camera. But will this brand new Katniss last? Is this really her? What identity awaits her when she returns to District 12?

Here is your assignment: Illustrate the change that takes place in Katniss and/or Peeta during the book. You may use examples from the book to illustrate your points. However, your examples cannot be direct quotes, but must be paraphrases and can only be two to three sentences. I am not interested in a book report, but in your analysis and thoughts. Make sure you do not just end up retelling the story, but rather think about how the changes come about and what they might mean for the future.

The next two (2) prompts at first glance seem to be nearly identical . However, these prompts pose different questions and the answers to those questions become your topic. The prompts are different even though their background information is the same.

Prompt 2:
Background info: Rome in the first two centuries A.D. ( ancient history)  faced a yawning gulf between rich and poor. Its economy created few exportable goods. Slaves acquired by conquest built most of its bridges, roads and aqueducts and took jobs in farming, mining and construction. As this cheaper labor replaced Roman citizens, idle, unemployed, and restless people filled Rome. In order to entertain these people, the Roman Emperors put on what were called “circuses” which featured gladiator fights and often featured fights to the death.

In fact, you might have heard the phrase “bread and circuses” which was coined by the Roman poet and satirist Juvenal in reference to the way the ruling class tried to keep things peaceful by making the restless citizens and slaves focus on these games instead of their dissatisfaction and misery. In ancient Rome, the “bread” was distributions of grain, and the “circuses” were public games and other mass spectacles.Not unlike what is happening in the book The Hunger Games where the games are used as entertainment, tesserae is used to keep hunger at bay and as a means to oppress people and make them obey.

Here is your assignment:  For your illustration/example essay consider that over the last few years, reality TV shows have become a big hit in America. Shows like Survivor, X Factor,  Fear Factor, Amazing Race and Big Brother are just a few of them. Perhaps you have seen a reality TV shows? Or perhaps you have an opinion on them?  Is American reality TV like the “bread and circuses” of ancient Rome and a bit like the Hunger Games, why or why not?

Prompt 3:
Background info: Rome in the first two centuries A.D. ( ancient history)  faced a yawning gulf between rich and poor. Its economy created few exportable goods. Slaves acquired by conquest built most of its bridges, roads and aqueducts and took jobs in farming, mining and construction. As this cheaper labor replaced Roman citizens, idle, unemployed, and restless people filled Rome. In order to entertain these people, the Roman Emperors put on what were called “circuses” which featured gladiator fights and often featured fights to the death.

In fact, you might have heard the phrase “bread and circuses” which was coined by the Roman poet and satirist Juvenal in reference to the way the ruling class tried to keep things peaceful by making the restless citizens and slaves focus on these games instead of their dissatisfaction and misery. In ancient Rome, the “bread” was distributions of grain, and the “circuses” were public games and other mass spectacles.Not unlike what is happening in the book The Hunger Games where the games are used as entertainment, tesserae is used to keep hunger at bay and as a means to oppress people and make them obey.

Here is your assignment:  For your illustration/example essay consider that over the last few years, reality TV shows have become a big hit in America. Shows like Survivor, X Factor,  Fear Factor, Amazing Race and Big Brother are just a few of them. Perhaps you have seen a reality TV shows? Or perhaps you have an opinion on them?  Did The Hunger Games change the way you view American reality TV, why or why not?

Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1
I have given you a choice between three (3) prompts. Choose one of them to write your illustration/example essay. Remember, your topic is the answer to the question asked, not the question itself. So, before you can begin to write this essay  you have to think about how you might address the prompt you have chosen and how to develop the topic for the essay. It is important that you have a purpose for writing about this topic. Ask yourself what it is you want your reader to understand about your topic after reading your essay? What point are you trying to make  through the use of examples? What support can you include? What are the best descriptive details and examples to include to achieve your purpose? Remember that your thesis needs to contain three points/main ideas that you will discuss in detail in your body paragraphs.

Step 2
Use some of the pre-writing techniques you have read about in your text book.

Step 3
Remember that the major features of this illustration/example essay include at least five (5) paragraphs — an introduction paragraph which contains the “hook” which gets the reader interested in your essay. The last sentence of your introductory paragraph must be your thesis statement. In addition, you need to have  a minimum of three body paragraphs, one each for each of your major points, starting with a topic sentence and ending with a transition to the next paragraph.  Last not least you need  a conclusion paragraph that sums up your major points (restates your thesis statement in different words) and leaves the reader with a closing thought. Make sure you do NOT introduce new information in your conclusion paragraph.  Also, remember you can have more than three body paragraphs, for example, you can use two body paragraphs for each of your points.

A paragraph has at least 7 to 10 sentences, but can be longer than that.

Step 4
Begin drafting your introductory paragraph. Make sure you construct a solid thesis statement.  For this essay you will be using a tripartite thesis (which is just a fancy way of saying a thesis statement with three points) and I have provided you examples on how to construct a thesis statement in the Week 4 folder.  Make sure your thesis statement is the last sentence in your introduction paragraph. Remember the slideshow last week about introductory paragraphs.

Step 5
Begin working on your body paragraphs. Make sure each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence which refers to the thesis. You can look at page 241 in your text book  to see an example and to find more information about body paragraphs for this particular type of essay.

Step 6
Make sure you use transitions between your body paragraphs. Page 243 in your text book will give you a list of transitions to choose from, you can also check chapter 6, pages 114-116 in your text book for transitions.

Step 7
Write your conclusion paragraph. Make sure it recaps your purpose and restates your thesis statement in different wording.Also make sure you do NOT introduce new material in your conclusion paragraph.

Step 8
Carefully proofread your essay, by using the Example Essay Critique form on page 244. In addition, please look at the rubric I provided in this folder. I will use that rubric to grade your final draft. It will be helpful to you to have this rubric available now so you know what my expectations are and you can see what you need to do in order to achieve maximum points. It is important that you make your first draft as good as you can make it, so that revision suggestions become meaningful and will lead to a better grade. This essay will go through revisions before you submit the final draft.


If your essay does not have a name block and/or a title, or the format is not followed, I will take one letter grade off!
Here is a sample of what the essay should look like (assume the line is the top of you first page:

Student’s name (This means your name)
Assignment (for example, Illustration/Example essay)
ENC 91-E0Z1 (class name and section number)
24 February 2010 (Date when you do the assignment)
The essay text begins here. The beginning of each paragraph is indented half an inch. Use your “Tab” button on the keyboard to do so. Notice that there is no point at which the formatting allows for anything other than double-spacing. Above, the third line of text in the upper left hand corner shows the course designation, ENC 91. As for the fourth line of text, which is the date, always use the due date of the assignment. All of your essays should be titled. Do NOT double-space by hitting “Enter” twice, rather read the assignment sheet carefully again and you will see a screen shot on how to double-space in Microsoft Word 2007.
Also, do not hit enter at the end of the line, but keep on writing because Microsoft Word automatically will wrap your text. The only time you should hit “Enter” is when you start a new paragraph or between the lines of your name block! You can also look at a sample essay in our text book The Write Stuff on pages 392 – 397.
Do not hit “enter” at the end of a line to double space. Remember your essay needs to be double-spaced, below is a screen shot of how to double space in Word 2007. If you are using another word processor, please find out how to double-space in your program.

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