stress managemnt or team work

In business, we often need a solid, clear and thoughtful overview about ‘what is known’ about a specific topic. If this topic has been researched by others, then the most common form used to create this overview is called a ‘literature review’. A ‘literature review’ is a detailed look at published research (literature) on a specific topic; in this course, your literature review needs to be on a specific management skill, tool, technique or approach. For example, you may review the literature on a specific ‘creative problem solving’ approach, or a specific ‘active listening technique’ or suite of negotiation tactics.

In the literature review you should analyze and synthesize the findings of 4 – 8 peer reviewed scholarly research sources based on a topic of your choice related to management skills. Your literature review topic should be narrow in focus. The literature review should synthesize the findings of your sources based around a guiding concept, thesis or research statement/question.

The literature review should be 6 – 8 pages, double spacing, using 4 – 8 solid academic sources and APA referencing format. You will be graded on the quality of your research, the quality of your writing including grammar and spelling, and your ability to effectively synthesize and analyze the research into a coherent literature review that suggests areas where further research may be required.

Further information and advice about literature reviews can be acquired from the Academic Skills Centre or from many online information sources. We will have a speaker from Academic Skills Centre in class before Reading Break to talk about the literature review form. You are also welcome to research online; there are many good sources describing the organization, structure, purpose and format of a literature review.

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