This essay discusses persuasive message delivery through a study of a real-case scenario of GB Financial Corporation and further goes on to analyze the effectiveness of the delivery of the intended message through rhetoric analysis as a means of influencing change.
The following message is an illustration of a persuasive message sent by a firm’s top management to the junior staff in an effort to induce and manage change:
To: All members of Information Services Department
From: Jeff Butler, Director of Data Management
Cc: Mike Campbell, Senior Vice President, Information Service
Subject: Restructuring and Reorganising GB’s Information Services department
Having successfully been appointed the director, Data Management Department, the duty to steer this department forward to a more technologically savvy situation in the management, distribution, capture and storage of data has been chiefly bestowed on me. Our recent research findings suggest that we should break away from the traditional form of data management associated with Lotus Notes to the new technology offered by Microsoft Exchange. It is therefore imperative that we implement this. Having evaluated the current software platform, applications and database system, I have found it to be in the best interests of the company to shift to this new technology in order to comfortably realize our organization’s goals and objectives.
However, Microsoft Exchange is not any different in its mode of operation and you will find it easy to adapt in your work environment. My experience in consultancy, a span of 10 years, should provide a good basis and inspire confidence in implementing this application. The chief aim of introducing this new technology is to create a new, dynamic database which Lotus Notes software does not provide. This database shall ensure the organisation easily accesses over-the-web data which is published via web technology developed from a MS-Database view point. This new kind of platform shall act as a data agent and a data-publishing service for central, shared and enterprise database deployed herein.
However, there are changes that will come about from the use of Microsoft Exchange databases. After consulting with S&P manager, Mary Han, about critical business problems; sound data management measures and security maintenance will be employed as a solution to any work around problem that might be met in the near future before this technology is fully implemented and ready for full-capacity application. To this effect, I have brought on board a data architect who shall help in implementing this technology. We ought to see positive changes soon over and above our current system.
The initialization processes will involve a series of steps. First and foremost, a customized, home-grown Internet application program shall be designed by the Information Technology department. This is since, Interpush, our Internet applications service provider is under imminent sale. Senior management has therefore decided that we develop our own version rather than outsourcing in order to uphold data integrity. This leaves the burden of developing the application internally, as proposed by Tom Bradley, squarely in our hands. These changes may lead to reassignment of duties previously carried out by some employees. This, however, should not be demoralizing since your new positions will be far more exciting and easier to handle under Ms Exchange applications. I further propose bringing on board four full-time experts from Microsoft Exchange application development to aid in the initialization and implementation program. This is in the best interest of the company, its employees inclusive, and should not be viewed as if we are laying off employees or imminently intending to fire anyone.
I look forward to all weekly staff meetings and in-between-the-week feedback so as to provide an insight to opinions, challenges, suggestions and complaints that you would like to raise for the overall smooth transition from Lotus Notes to the more technology compliant Ms Exchange.
Any comments, views, suggestion or clarification can be in the meanwhile be forwarded to my email address and I will get back to you soonest possible.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Jeff Butler
For most massive changes be it in enterprises, organizations or companies or even simple situations such as GB’s case, managers respond predictably through organization strategy, shifting around staff and also rooting out inefficiencies. Change, therefore, becomes hard as people often express unwillingness to change their ways and habits (David A Garvin). Rhetoric analysis looks at how communication occurs and to what extent the message communicated achieves its intended objective. It also endeavors to show how the message incorporates principles of effective change management.
In ensuring that the message conveyed is sufficiently persuasive, there are various necessary steps. First, the source should ensure that the audience is convinced that change is important. Secondly, there is a need to gather enough information by encouraging feed back through such means as weekly staff meeting and consulting with the audience either face-to-face or by correspondence such as email whereby the audience can discuss their fears, views and even suggestions without the fear of being victimized. This provides a means through which there is constant communication with the audience in order to gauge their mood. The audience’s mood is very important as it shows whether the change is taking place effectively or not and can be quantified by the amount of feedback. Behavioural guidelines should however not be ignored in this correspondence especially through email because hierarchy, in particular, in association with vertical communication, is attained. Email details that it has been sent to all members of staff should not be left out such as Information Services Department and other members concerned such as Mike Campbell, Senior vice president, Information System. This ensures it is able to capture power within it by mentioning high ranking people in the organization. It is after implementing these phases is the change ably implemented.

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