ow does historical archaeology and the archaeology of colonialism change our understanding of the Spanish Period in Philippine History?

Project description
Dominant historical narratives during the Spanish colonial period of the Philippines generally focused on major events and urban areas. This bias tends to provide an uneven treatment of history. With the emergence of historical archaeology as a tool to understand the archaeology of culture-contact, a more nuanced understanding of power relationships within a colonial setting can be achieved. How does historical archaeology and the archaeology of colonialism change our understanding of the Spanish Period in Philippine History?

Be sure to cite at least thre (3) of required readings to support your answer. The sources are attached.
Instruction files

hsieh2017.pdf(4,05 MiB)
skowronek_2008-fringes.pdf(1,79 MiB)
madrid2012-fire.pdf(57,24 KiB)
keeping_the_philippines_spanish.pdf(3,04 MiB)

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